Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Listen to this and respond

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Test Thursday

Today we marked the homework and then clarified any student questions related to measuring density or using density information to identify materials and predict sinking/floating. The small test on Thurs. will be very similar to the homework and the lab that they did in class with the five cylinders.

Can you? 1. use both the graduated cylinder and electronic scale properly 2. understand the concepts of mass vs. volume vs. density (we imagined what density would look like at the molecular level) 3. use the density formula to calculate density if you know an object's mass and volume 4. use displacement to determine volume of things that don't pour into graduated cylinders 5. analyze densities of different items and determine whether or not items are the same material - or - analyze densities to determine whether an object will float/sink in water - or - analyze densities to determine how different liquids might layer (float/sink) if they were carefully put together. 6. need to memorize density formula and pure water's density.

New info studied today - we got our textbooks out and read a short section (368-71) that compared fresh and ocean water. We used the Smartboard to show what we thought were most important ideas in each paragraph.

No homework - but everyone should study for the test and make sure they finished the notes on 368-71.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homework from Today (Tuesday)

I gave you a 'Homestudy' sheet. Parts A & B are review now and part C is what we'll be linking to today's lab the next time I see you. Get the whole sheet finished for Thurs. class.

You all did a good job with today's lab. We'll graph the data next class and look for that new information. Don't forget to come to school tomorrow all ready to run for Cody :-)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homework 2009...Sept. 14 update

Hello to this year's grade 8's. For now, I'll use this to communicate homework and points of interest. However, eventually, we'll use this blog for some interactive learning :-)

You've had two homework assignments to date and both involve your parents. Remember, homework is always due the next class, right at the beginning of class.
*First, remember that last week you were supposed to get your course outline signed. I got roughly 1/3 of them handed in today. Get yours in ASAP!
**Today's homework...get your parent to look at & discuss those three graduated cylinder readings...they aren't always easy to read, are they?!? Try to explain to your parent how you interpreted the reading to be a specific number. If your parent is able, s/he could explain to you how she'd interpret it. It isn't simply about writing an answer down on paper, but trying to understand the process of taking a reading. You need a parent signature as your 'proof' that you talked about it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We have landed, Houston!

Terrific! A handful of you presented today. Remember, the rest of you will present on Monday. Make sure that you have your portfolio, the big criteria sheet (all filled out), and every bit of your research - plus your actual presentation, of course.

Who's doing web pages, podcasts or even songs? Why don't you create a link on your blog.

Everybody - after you present you are required to do one final posting. Remember, too, that if you haven't done any comments for others that you could get one done this weekend. I've noticed that some people haven't had anyone else (other than me) writing comments. Please visit their blogs...good stuff to see.

The final posting - What are your three 'big successes' of this project (the whole thing including the research, the blogging, the bibiography, the presentation...) ? What are you celebrating?
Also, what is one 'hindsight' comment (if I could do it again...)? Finally, how did your presentation actually go? Was there good discussion, certain comments you liked or didn't like?

Monday, June 1, 2009

On the Home Stretch

Well...we're getting the idea about this bloggin, eh!

In today's class you got that big sheet on the criteria - really important that you fill it all out with comments/evidence on how you are fulfilling the requirements. This sheet should be in your portfolio.

Tomorrow's class is when we are going to do the bibiliography so make sure the information is on your research sheets in the correct format!

Next blog - will be Tuesday's class. This blog should include reflection on your self evaluation, comments about your presentation to come and any more science you want to share. Remember, we finish this week!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Blog Responsibilities

It looks like we're all getting the hang of this blogging! Remember, your comments should be responsible...meaning that you're giving positive feedback, useful information or suggestions. It isn't simply a way to bug each other :-)

For Monday's class, make sure that your citations for your research are all here and ready. We'll be making bibliographies in class.

Research should all be done by Monday, too. Please check my comments in your blog for suggestions on what should be part of your research.

Finally, come prepared to work on your presentation. This is the last week! It's great that we have so many different things planned - some are making web pages, some magazines, some CD's and music, some podcasts, some video, some newspapers... I am really looking forward to the day(s) that you all present to each other! See you Monday. Mrs. K.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Houston...we've got a problem

Hmmm...I'm not sure what's going on? Only 2 or 3 of the class of 31 have posts that I've been able to find. First post was due last week - Tuesday.

At this point, you're supposed to be wrapping up your research and actually working on your presentation. I require that you post each class, in addition to working on your presentation and finishing your research.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Requirement 1 - your first post

As you can see by the title, it's time for you to post. Deadline is end of class (Thurs.). Your post should include comments about what you are learning specific to your body system and your topic of controversy. Remember, your post can be conversational, but must be written in English, not 'text talk.' In addition, you can link a relevant pic or website.

Expect me to respond to your posting. Also, encourage your parents to respond to your posting.