Friday, January 8, 2010

Immune System

Monday, Jan. 11 - we are going to be watching a series of videos related to the Immune System. You’ll watch them in the same order that they are listed below. There are SIX videos to view. You'll use your ear buds (ask Ms. Malloff if you don't have them). Please stay on-task - you've a lot to accomplish this class!

I haven't figured out how to embed the "how stuff works" videos, so you've got them written on the whiteboard in the lab. In addition, I've given each of you a handout for this lesson.

You'll learn all sorts of stuff about the Immune System by watching the videos. Your blogging goal for today is to learn to embed a video. Here are the instructions - please ask Ms. Malloff for help if you're confused!

To embed a youTube video:
1. Open your blog and select new post.
2. Look to the right of the Title spot for "Edit Html" click that.
3. Then, open a second Explorer window (keep your blog posting open) and go to the YouTube video that you want... look to the right side. See the grey box with "Embed". You'll copy that code. It's a long code, so get it all!
4. Go back to your blog and paste that code into the main area (where you normally post).
5. Look back up to that right corner of your blog and select "Compose"
6. Do the rest of your blog posting, where you comment on the video that you selected:

Consider your learning about the following:
a. what an antigen is; relate an antigen to sickness
b. how the body recognizes and responds to antigens
c. how different blood cells participate in the immune response
d. Origins of antibodies - what an antibody is, what it does.
e. how the body responds to the flu

2. You need to view the first How Stuff Works video "Disease Defense: The Immune System "

6. There is a final How Stuff Works Video to watch. "Investigating Human Biology: How the Body Fights Flu "

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