Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This one's for Jake!

Hi Jake,

Read my post about Monday and then print off (when you get home, probably), so you know about the two types of immune systems.

I'll need you to take the cells test when you return. Plus, you'll take the final exam. I'll just give you an "in progress" report so that you have some time when you return to catch up and study. Just be prepared to come back and get right back at it.

Meanwhile, what did we do today (Tuesday)? Each student picked their own body system and did some research about it and then posted on their blog. So, why don't you pick one body system and go to biology4kids.com and learn about it: nervous system, muscle system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, respiratory system... pick one according to your interest and learn a bit about the structures related to that system.


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